It doesn't have to be you against the world.
We see you. It can be so overwhelming. Classes, visitation, court, work, and more — it's enough to crush anyone — especially as you're dealing with the indescribably heartbreaking threat of losing your child(ren). And then on top of that, it can feel like you don't know who to trust. Like there's no one in your corner.
Let us help change that.
Our program exists to partner parents with community volunteers. Our volunteers don't work for the department, and they're not part of the legal machine. They're just people — people passionate about seeing families like yours succeed.
All it takes it one hour per week for six months. So far, every single parent who has graduated from our program has been successful: when their goal was to keep their kids, they stayed home, and when their goal was to get their kids back, they reunified.
We don't have all the answers, but we know it can make all the difference to feel like there's someone on your side. That's what we're here for. Sometimes it's talking through your treatment plan. Sometimes it's sharing resources, ideas, or new perspectives on your situation. Sometimes it's just listening. But always we believe in you. Always we have your back.
Interested in volunteering to work with a parent?